“Man on the Moon III” by Kid Cudi


With the third release of an album named “Man on the Moon,” Kid Cudi has created another series of songs that talk about the emptiness that comes with the highs and lows of partying and drugs. 

In the song “The Void,” Cudi talks about the use of substances as an escape for his life. While these lyrics may come off as putting substances in a positive light, Cudi uses the word “void” to describe his state of post-substance mind. Such as in the chorus lyrics “I will fall in the void just to avoid anything that can bring me down,” Cudi describes his experiences as if falling in a void, rather than a pleasant escape. 

Furthermore, in the song “Tequila Shots” Cudi talks about his tendency to self sabotage as he falls into the pressure of drug addiction because of his mental battles. In the lyrics “Lord seein' me swervе, do this to my loved ones, I've got some nerve,” Cudi speaks on the reality of his sabotaging behaviors, and how it affects not only his mental health but also his family members. 

Cudi continues to speak throughout the song about his internal battles that cycle through self destructive behaviors and depressive thoughts. Overall, Cudi captures the reality of self destruction and mental war from drug addiction and partying. 


“Swimming Pools” by Kendrick Lamar


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