“Swimming Pools” by Kendrick Lamar


Kendrick Lamar, known for speaking on tough topics such as racism and addiction, brings up the downfalls of alcoholism culture in the song “Swimming Pools.” Growing up around alcohol consumers, Lamar speaks on his personal understanding of people’s unhealthy relationships with drowning their sorrows with a bottle in the song “Swimming Pools.”

Lamar raps about trying to fit into the lively nature of his surroundings, but feeling pressure and forced to succumb to the romanitization of alcohol. In the chorus of the song he talks from a party goer’s perspective and says “Why you baby sittin only two or three shots…” These lyrics touch on the feeling of obeying the pressure of the party scene; constant self sabotage and breaking comfortable limits. 

Towards the end of the song, Lamar also talks about how alcohol may lead to temporary “love” and “vibes”, it is bodily abuse that leads to the heavy addiction and dependency to liquor. Overall, “Swimming Pools” uses an upbeat pop-like sound to counteract the serious lyrics where Lamar speaks from the perspective of someone who feels the pressure and negative effects of the party scene.


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