Quarantine Thoughts


Trigger Warning: Suicide, eating disorder, mentions of self-harm

The hardest part is answering the ‘why.’ Why did I self sabotage? Why can’t I find my reason to try? What is wrong with me?

In January, one of my best friends from second grade took his own life. It took me a good month and a half for everything to catch up to me, including the tears and the guilt of knowing that I could’ve at least done or even said something to prevent it. I realized that hanging out with my friends was a distraction, as I was always happy with them. Now that I can’t see them, I feel stuck with my thoughts and that guilt.

I grew up with a family that is not very outspoken about mental health and my own insecurities prevents me from sharing.

I’ve been inside for so long and I really miss friends. Having to be isolated with a family member that criticizes me when I’m genuinely doing my hardest to learn is tough. I’m afraid that I will forget how to socialize and interact with people at school by the time we get back too.

Irvine unfortunately has a very toxic environment when it comes to academics and college. Irvine’s mentality about academics and grades must change, and I hope the day comes when kids realize that this is the time to experience, make mistakes, embrace failures, rather than trying to create a perfect robotic reality.

Being put in a situation where in-person contact is severely limited is very difficult to handle from the mental health aspect, especially when dealing with a mental illness that feeds on a lack of control or isolation.

It’s just been easier to keep to myself rather than possibly ruin the way people view me, especially with teachers or adults in my life. I wouldn’t want them to see me any differently than I was before they knew.

My mom having cancer really affected me in a negative way and I didn’t know how to cope up with what was going on.

A lot of people have family issues and a lot of people normalize it because so many people have these same issues. It almost feels like you’re not justified in being really sad, even though everyone has separate feelings.


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