IUSD Mental Health Resources
Students may struggle to maintain their mental health due to stress, pressure accumulated from schoolwork, extracurriculars and issues within friend groups. During this pandemic, because it may be even harder for students to acquire access to mental health resources, Irvine Unified School District has offered programs to keep their students mentally engaged.
Low-cost or free student and family therapy services. Parent workshops, teen workshops and resource linkage and referrals are included in the program.
You can also contact Irvine Family Resource Center:
Christine Guerrero
Anaissa Ibrahimi-Mealiff
Mariposa Women & Family Center
Individual and group counseling provided for Orange County-residents for a low fee.
Provides mental and behavioral health counseling for youth. Their services continue online during the pandemic.
Support call line for anyone struggling with emotional or mental health.
(877) 910-WARM (877-910-9276)
Centralized Assessment Team (CAT)
Helps assess suicidal children and links to resources, available 24 hours a day.
Community Service Programs (CSP) Teen Shelter
A 24 hour short-term sheltering service for runaway, homeless or at-risk OC youth with programs and a support line for victims of rape, homicide or anyone going through a hard time.
Available Wellness Coordinators:
Michelle Santana
Creekside High School
Nancy Le
Irvine High School
Megan Keller
Northwood High School
Maureen Muir
Portola High School
Lauren Stallings
Woodbridge High School
Nilou Tohidian
University High School